Tuesday, October 12

Omaha's Slumber Party Records uses local footing and a little help from their friends to thrive

Slumber Party Records band Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship has a new single out, "Warm Eyes," available for download at the label's site. The band will be releasing an album late January/early February 2011.

Check out their show next week:
[Holy Fuck w/ Indian Jewelery & Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship]
[Thursday, Oct. 21, 8 p.m.] [Bourbon Theatre, Lincoln]
[$13 in advance, $15 at the doors]

mp3: "Adult Sized Skeletal" 
from their 2009 EP "My Name Is What Is Your Name"

The Slumber Party Records label out of Omaha can't say that business has always been smooth. But when it comes to support from the local music community and friends, you could say it's been smooth sailing.

It's the "people who go to shows and buy the records locally" that help keep the label going, owner Aaron Markley said. 

Saddle Creek Records in Omaha is also a "huge supporter of the label," Markley said. The greater Omaha label distributes Slumber Party's records through ADA (Alternative Distribution Alliance), one of the largest independent music distributors in North America.

ADA distributes both physical and digital music copies for their affiliate labels that showcase bands from known bands like Arcade Fire and Weezer to lesser-knowns like Slumber Party's roster.

Slumber Party's signed talent seems to showcase the diverse music that can be found in the Omaha area.

The label currently has eight active bands including Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship, Outlaw Con Bandana, Conchance, Honeybee, Talking Mountain and Thunder Power, to name a few.

"I feel like we have a pretty wide range of stuff," Markley said. "We have a hip-hop record that's almost finished that we're going to put out. Noah's Ark is pretty different than Honeybee, who's pretty different than Talking Mountain - there's a pretty wide range of stuff. There really isn't a particular genre that we pursue."

Even though all the current bands are local, it's not at all a criterion for the label. It's just how it's worked out, Markley said.

"If we found a band that we liked that wasn't from Omaha and we thought that we'd have a successful relationship, we would for sure pursue it, but so far, nothing has come up," Markley said.

Slumber Party Records began in October 2005 with the recording of a split record with Bear Country, Capgun Coup and April in Andalusia.

"Throughout the course of the evening, we all got to talking and decided we wanted to start a record label," Markley said.

Agreeing to start a label was probably the easiest step. It was funding that really came hard at first. The label's first record was funded out-of-pocket. The first few years followed suit, with people contributing money to keep business going.

"Money has always been an obstacle for us," Markley said. "And it definitely affects when and if we're able to put out a record."

The Slumber Party working team is small and multi-tasking with people behind the scenes as well as a part of bands. A new addition to the staff, Will Simons, does artist press and publicity in addition to playing in Thunder Power.

"In my mind, being in a band that is on the Slumber Party roster makes it especially beneficial for me to help make the label as successful as possible. What's good for Slumber Party is definitely good for Thunder Power, and vice versa," Simons said.

"At this point, my duties with the label aren't so intense that it takes away from any responsibilities I have to my bandmates and our collective music, but I do look forward to the label's continued growth and hope that one day I might have too much to do for either one."

Their graphics and web designer Cody Peterson also plays in the label's band Honeybee.

For Markley, who works from home, a lot of the job is in front of the computer. Simons can say the same for his press work.

Even though responses to Slumber Party's press releases are nominal, "the more often editors and writers see the words ‘Slumber Party Records' in their inboxes and recognize the fact that several bands on the label are active releasing records and playing shows all over the country, the overall presence and clout of the label will grow little by little," Simons said.

Markley said Slumber Party has a full plate as of now with releases.

Upcoming releases for the label include an LP from Noah's Ark Was a Spaceship early next year, a Honeybee single in the next month that will be followed by an LP and the label's first release from hip-hop artist Conchance. They are also hoping to have a split record series ready for a label fundraiser at the Daily Grub in Omaha on Nov. 13.

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