Tuesday, January 18

Cursive to perform 'Domestica' in its entirety, show sold out

[Cursive performing Domestica w/ Lightening Bug] [today, 9 p.m.]
[Waiting Room, Omaha] [SOLD OUT]
as seen in the Daily Nebraskan
Cursive bassist Matt Maginn could feel fond tinges from years past upon playing their decade-old "Domestica" album for a New Year's Eve show in Chicago.

"It wasn't too far off, just because it was a real tight, packed room, and the sound was a little difficult, and people were distracting because they were falling all over the place and jumping," said Maginn. "It was kinda fun cause it reminds me of basement shows and stuff like that where things are just a little more chaotic."

All that was missing was the Omaha friend and fan base. So bringing that same show to their hometown wasn't a hard decision to make. And with a sold out crowd, their Omaha show may be apt to meet the chaos of their Chicago show.

Cursive will be playing all their "Domestica" tracks, beginning to end, at the Waiting Room in Omaha tonight. They'll also be playing old favorites from other albums, as well as some new songs. 

Maginn said he was "pretty confident" that the band would play at least two new tracks, as they're anticipating to write and record a new LP in the next year. Cursive is looking to hit the studio by fall, "maybe even sooner," he said.

The Omaha band will also be getting ready to tour with label mates Bright Eyes in March in support of their new album "The People's Key," due out Feb. 15 on Saddle Creek Records.

Maginn also played bass in the studio for that record.

Seeing the album from its beginning stages to the final product was quite interesting, said Maginn.

"I think it's fantastic," said Maginn. "I think he has brought something really new and awesome but still distinctly Bright Eyes. I think people will be excited. Definitely excited, because it's just a little different, I think it will surprise people."

Opening for Cursive is Omaha band Lightning Bug.

"All of us were pretty shocked and surprised by the request," said Lightning Bug's bassist Keith Roger. "We're very honored to get to play with a band that we all grew up listening to. We never actually thought it'd be a reality that we'd get to share a stage with them."

Lightning Bug just finished recording their first LP, "hopefully" to be out this summer. They'll also be joining Lincoln and Omaha bands Irkutsk, Dark Fruit and Rock-n-Roll Combo at Duffy's Tavern downtown, 9 p.m. on Sunday.

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