Tuesday, February 15

Download this! [vol. 3]

Bright Eyes - The People's Key
LP, 10 tracks
out on Saddle Creek
download "Shell Games" and "Haile Selassie" at Saddle-Creek.com

Conor's latest has been praised by NPR and lashed by Pitchfork where the album got a mediocre 5.0.

La Sera - La Sera
LP, 12 tracks
out on Hardly Art
mp3: "Devils Hearts Grow Gold" and "Never Come Around"

Katy Goodman's (Vivian Girls) latest with band La Sera. Kind of wish All Saints Day, another project Goodman was involved in, could put out an album. They teased us last year with a 7-incher. Check it out here via Gorilla vs. Bear.


The Berg Sans Nipple - Build With Erosion
due out on Team Love March 15
mp3: "Change the Shape" and "Convert the Measurement"

Nebraskan Shane Aspegren and Frenchman Lori Sean Berg make up the drum and electronics duo The Berg Sans Nipple. Much of this album was recorded in Paris.

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